San Francisco Diaries

After being nudged for a while by a friend to do a photo essay, decided to finally give it a shot. I have always found San Francisco to be charming, eclectic, liberal, and beautiful. When I do visit San Francisco, its to show a visiting friend around to see the most popular spots. But its rare that I get a chance to see the everyday life in SF and its weird ways. And I guess there is a small part in me which aspires to be a photo journalist. Photographs do their own talking, so  enough words for now :). Hope you enjoy seeing these snapshots as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Skate Boarding at the Ferry Building

Art students drawing the Bay Bridge

Art students drawing the Bay Bridge near the Ferry Building

Jogger at the Telegraph Hill

Happy Jogger at the Telegraph Hill (She was so happy that she was being clicked 🙂

He was as enthusiastic as anyone gets to get his snaps clicked.

I could not believe my eyes, when I saw a guy dressed in a Suit running down the slope. But he was kind enough to let me shoot him. But what a sight 🙂

Bus driver fixing the power line on the bus.

Pretty girl at street crossing.

Students at train stop